Fudomae Studio
Tokyo,Japan / 2018 / Residential + Studio
Tokyo,Japan / 2018 / Residential + Studio
A photographer’s house which includes their studio. The site is located in an unorganised, yet calm area with old timber houses and small factories. The photographer, who is known to take abstract photos while free-diving, initially wanted to keep the existing which they had inherited from their grandfather. However, after learning that the risk of it collapsing during an earthquake was high, it was decided that the site should be redeveloped without destroying the reminiscent feeling of the town and the factories.
The concept was to integrate the frontal park and the town’s atmosphere while maximising the building’s size. Specifically, terraces, located on the building’s four sides with an external staircase and planting, have been used as reversed beams which allowed a seamless ceiling, free from structural elements. The sense of multi-directional openness, seen in the townscape, was achieved by utilising glazed corners in the building’s openings.
Ceiling was finished with rough, untreated concrete, which helped reduce the cost, while the roof, which continues to the eaves, were treated with urethane paint. The ‘béton brut’ ceiling and the surrounding scenery merges in an intricate manner which strikes the image of the sea surface seen from under the water – one that resembles the photographer’s work.